Contractors & Builders
Texas Door & Trim is committed to our builder and contractor partners. We have provided you with important resources including product information, engineering specifications, architectural information and much more. All of this information is provided to you in one easy location for your reference on current, past, and future projects.

Architects / Designers
We understand the importance of providing the information that our architectural partners want and need in one easy to find resource. Use the links below to find everything from architectural information, engineering specifications, and more.
Resources For Professional
Here you can find architectural resources, engineering specs, warranty information and more on our premium line of windows and scenic doors.
From catalogs to technical specifications, here you will find important information to support your project for interior and entry doors from Texas Door and Trim.
Garage Doors
Whether you are searching for a buying guide to garage doors, technical information, or product literature, we have assemble the most common information requested for garage doors.
Click here to see TDT's video gallery of products, events, and information.
Visit our blogs for latest tips, tricks, and industry news.